Dangerous goods transport ( ADR )

Whenever you need to transport goods classified by international laws and regulation as having a certain degree of danger, VULCRI offers you auto transport services for dangerous goods ADR, for internal and international routes.

We offer you ADR auto transport services both for FTL - full load and LTL- groupage modalities in fully secure conditions, in respect of legal provisions in this area of transport, with trucks or semitrailer trucks having all ADR authorizations.

Dangerous goods classes

According to European ADR Accord, 9 classes of dangerous goods were established. According to ADR Accord, by dangerous goods are named all that substances or objects that by their phisical and chemical nature could produce personal or environmental damages. Nine classes of dangerous goods were provided:

  • Clasa 1: all kind ofexplosives
  • Clasa 2: gases
  • Clasa 3: flammable liquids
  • Clasa 4.1: solid state flammable substances, autoreactive and explosive
  • Clasa 4.2: instant igniting subtances
  • Clasa 4.3: substances that in contact with water produce flammable gases
  • Clasa 5.1: comburant substances
  • Clasa 5.2: organic peroxides
  • Clasa 6.1: toxic substances
  • Clasa 6.2: infectious substances
  • Clasa 7: radioactive substances
  • Clasa 8: corosive substances
  • Clasa 9: Other dangerous substances and objects

Classification must be done by the goods owner - evventualyy with the help of the producer.

Technical equipment necessary to transport dangerous goods

According to the European Agreement concerning the transport of dangerous goods (ADR) which Romania ratified, a truck that makes transport of hazardous material required to be equipped with safety equipment.